The development of your teams’ skills and the implementation of training plans are key success factors for your company. With the help of industry specialists, you will be able to secure the engagement of your teams and meet current market needs.
Our HR specialists offer a personalized support package, including the analysis of your training needs, the development of learning programs, the implementation of performance indicators as well as skills assessments. Attract first-rate candidates and retain your current talent by offering your employees tailored and ongoing training.
Do you want to hold onto your qualified staff and ensure the continuity of your company? By pinpointing your organization’s needs, as well as your employees’ skills and scope for development, you can identify your company’s key players and set up a winning action plan.
Does your payroll exceed $2 million, meaning that your organization is legally bound to provide training to staff? These obligations are governed by the Job Skills Act, also known as the 1% Training Law.
1 %. We can help you identify your legal obligations and set up training plans tailored to your needs.
When handling change, it is important that you support your teams throughout the process. As an employer, you need to identify the key players and assets that make up your company, but also the level of tolerance towards change. Is your team in need of assistance and guidance? We are here to ensure your organizational transformations go smoothly.