As an employer, you want to attract top talent by offering competitive pay. But do you fully understand your obligations under the Pay Equity Act?

Pay equity

Calculate the number of employees in your organization

If your organization has ten or more employees, then it is subject to the Pay Equity Act. We will help you determine the size of your company and the procedures required to comply with your legal obligations.

Conducting your first pay equity exercise

Is your organization subject to the Pay Equity Act for the very first time? We can help you conduct your first pay equity exercise.

Ensuring pay equity

Once the exercise has been completed, you must continue to monitor your pay equity, ideally on an annual basis. We can help you stay competitive as a company.

Total compensation

Benchmark your salaries

In either an open or closed benchmarking study, we evaluate the range of minimum, median, and maximum salaries to help you determine where your pay rates stand in the current market.

Create your total compensation package

In addition to salary, you need to showcase the various benefits that are available to your employees. We can help you take stock of what you have to offer.

Set up your pay structure

Your pay structure, aligned with your company vision, not only allows you to stay competitive in today’s job market, but also to promote internal equity to attract and retain top talent.

When should you consider our total remuneration and pay equity services?

You need to redefine your total compensation package

Are you struggling to hold your own in an ultra-competitive market? Are you grappling with a shortage of talent? Though it may be tempting to simply focus on increasing salaries, maintaining your company’s competitive edge is also crucial. Find out what sets your company apart from the competition with our team of experts—they know all there is to know about total compensation and pay equity.

You need to conduct a pay equity exercise

Has your company hit the 10-employee mark and is now subject to the Pay Equity Act? You have four years to complete your pay equity exercise. Do you lack the time and resources to tackle this task? Our team will work alongside you during your first exercise and throughout the renewal process. By doing so, you will not only comply with your obligations as an employer, but you will also secure the engagement of your current staff.

You want to make your working conditions more attractive

If you are looking to enhance your market appeal and competitive edge, there is a whole host of benefits you can consider including in your total compensation package. Learn more about the options available from our team of total compensation and pay equity specialists!


Want to find out more about total compensation and pay equity?